Wednesday, April 23

2nd Month - Exodus

Today I decided to write about the 2nd month taking the drug , I confess not be too excited to write , considering it has not been an easy month in all aspects of my life and why I left my mother and my boyfriend read what I wrote earlier and I have not had a good reaction , or if I sought understanding , did not help much.

The remedy ended up more or less two weeks , I was scheduled to go back to the doctor after a month of the last query , as said in previous post , but due to problems of change and the availability of clinical data was unable to score for the period .Was scheduled for yesterday, but the doctor slammed the car door at the clinic and did not meet anyone, this should be his problem , but it became a problem for me . My boyfriend was taking me and saw the doctor coming to the site , the first impression he had of it and to see it before the incident and that my doctor is crazy and is not helping me at all to improve ...

Honestly 've questioned myself about it , when I talk to my doctor does not think fully prepared to meet me , but he does something I like , give me the medicines and remedies do not get sick . My boyfriend wants me to change doctors, do not know if it's the best thing to do , since he already knows me and knows what I spent , but then ask myself , does it matter ? ...

Speaking of getting sick , I am sick since the drug is over, back symptoms , headache , nausea , anxiety ... There have been any better. That is, no matter the remedy , can not be without .I still can not give a conclusion on the medicine because I do not know if I will continue taking or if the doctor will exchange it . For now I think I did nothing .I'm scheduled again for tomorrow ... let's see what awaits me .

Tuesday, April 8

Who I am?

I am a 24 year old who thinks too much time has passed in the world ....
I'm here to tell my story as a person who is trying to deal with psychological problems .

I do not know me very well , but I 'm trying to describe a person's own opniões fan of horror movies , rock n 'roll , student of computer and employed full-time in a function that does not belong to the study area .

People always say that I am smart and beautiful , but I have quite tendency to discredit good things when they talk about me , sometimes I think I'm pretty yeah , but it's pretty rare .

I'm a big fan of technology, but do not even know if this is what I wanted to be doing at the moment ... actually maybe I did not know that !

I've thought about writing a blog several times before but had too lazy to actually start and did not really know what to talk about and something that was really helpful for people , a friend always told me that writing would help me improve , then it may be useful for me and those who read to know about the experience of one's life.

Writing this until now , I have noticed that I am using many " times" and "maybe " , then I must admit that I am someone completely indecisive at times about what to do with my life.

Before actually about what it comes to this blog , which is the use of medications to treat my psychological problemos , I say that rather than use them for sure is to have faith in God , believe it write now , but somehow I can not use me , many of my family call me faithless and not believing in God , but the truth is that I believe that only He can change your life , since you want them, because I was using drugs and not only have faith God is another story , I will not say that it is free will , because I do not think so, but perhaps a little , that's what my family says . " When I refer to family 'm usually talking about my mom or my boyfriend ."

They "my family " and this time including my brothers , do not think I need to take you medicine , think I need to go to church , we need God .

But the truth is that my own mother who mark my queries , and they do not support my state of mind when I run out of drugs .

Surely not I like, including the fact of feeling bad physically when I'm without them , and of course psychologically fragile.

The reasons why I take the medication is in the post " Why take drugs - "

I am someone who seeks to be understood, you do not want evil ....
But I believe that there is a necessary evil ...

Sorry for english , I am Brazilian and I did not study English.

Why take drugs?

Drug use since the age of 19 , I was feeling a headache every day and work made ​​me very stressed , was when I took my first remedy the Daforin ( fluoxetine ) .  
Taken for a period and then stopped .I went back to get some time later again very stressed , anxious , felt twinges in his chest , and my blood pressure was rising , I made several tests that went nowhere , the doctor diagnosed me with GAD ( Generalized Anxiety Disorder ) and I started taking new medications that I can not remember the name . I remember I came to stay / get so anxious and stressed that began to kick the wall and had / have mood swings very easily .I usually can not concentrate on anything , sometimes even try, but just give up ...

Have low high esteem and am extremely shy what disturbs me even more and makes me feel really bad .Later I began to treat me with the doctor that I am today , I got to take other types of medications and even some more natural but never one to follow the treatment to the letter and ends that never improved 100 % .The doctor says that I have a depression if I stop taking the drugs back to her easily, so every now and then when I'm half evil , I return to the doctor to get prescription and taking new ones . 

I think my depression has a lot to do with my personality for being unable to make things interesting , I have no friends to hang out or something, the school also did not have , and always stayed silent , I think even suffered some type of bullying ( me called seedling ) , but was perhaps even worse when my father died , I feel very unhappy about it until today , I think my life would have been completely different if he were here , he died when I was eleven , I feel that if he were here would not have made so many mistakes in my life .

I also have difficulty concentrating in college and tried to solve my problems with Ritalin study , I did not work much.I am now trying to follow the treatment to the letter , which is my first report on the post of the 1st month.

About my medicine

EXODUS is a medication in the class of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), which is a group class of antidepressants. EXODUS is the most selective SSRI, and acts on the brain, which corrects the inadequate concentrations deter mined substances called neurotransmitters, especially serotonin, which cause symptoms in the disease situation.

Indications of the drug:

EXODUS is indicated to treat depression, with improvement in anxiety symptoms related to this, and after improvement, to prevent recurrence of depressive episodes. Treating panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and social anxiety disorder, also called social phobia.

I'm using the 15MG (30 tablets).



For how is my treatment

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I am not responsible for the banners below, just trade disclosure.

1st Month

1st Day

Today, 03/14/14, the morning began taking a new medication, 15mg Exodus, we'll see how my body reacts to it. At the moment I'm feeling a headache, but I think it is because I've been meaning to some days, I explain why below.

My doctor said to return to the office in a month to see how I am behaving with the drug.
Earlier I was taking Trileptal and Reconter, my mother asked me to solicit the exchange because you think they are not doing much effect and I'm more enticing.
Was not taking the drugs reported more than a week, my body is already kind of addicted to it, the reactions I feel when I take not include sick all the time, dizziness and headache, feel like crying, it's terrible getting the all day as well.
I am extremely anxious and nervous when I do not take the medicine that multiplies even more, my boyfriend thinks I should not take the medication, which I feel is my head and why I want it and my mother did not treat it as a disease I think more like a misuse of character.

Sometimes we do not know what to do, I've given up treatment before and did not become a better person for it, so do not know if you really should stop taking the drugs.
My doctor thinks I should not stop, because I can return to a depression and have many bad thoughts sometimes.

Think that the drugs sometimes give me more will to live, but not both.
Now we are already in the afternoon I'm feeling better, I'm no headache, do not believe the remedy is already having an effect, but I'm better.
03/15/2014 - took the medicine for the second time, I'm feeling better physically, ie without nausea and headaches.
3/16/2014 - I took the exodus by the 3rd day, I can not even tell if I'm better emotionally.
17/03/2014 - 4th day is still morning, we'll see what happens.
03/18/2014 - 5th day, my boyfriend had told me, but now I even think I'm eating more and more, I can not guarantee it to be a reaction to medication, or if my anxiety is still uncontrolled.
03/19/2014 - 6th day'm finding that I'm even more excited than usual, do not know if the tension at work I'm going through right now, I think that is still within the drug to take effect, so I'm waiting.

03/27/2014 - 14th day, I could not write for a few days because he was so full of things to do, because I changed my workplace and had college stuff to do ....
I think I'm right, I'm not sick, but I'm not feeling happy, many personal problems are plaguing me and I do not know what to do to solve them, so sometimes during the day I feel a great desire to go away .. . this new workplace also makes me think that I do not know if it really should be here, I'm trying to grasp the words of God ... "that His will and not mine be done."

03/31/2014 - 18th day, this weekend I was very excited and angry, guess I'll have to ask the psychiatrist to start taking Trileptal.